In my last talk at Digital Marketers Australia , I presented on 'How to use Video to Build Authority Relationships' (link to slides below) for Black Bulb Creative & Associates.

The core issues with Authority Relationships is that they are built on trust and you they are not transactional, ie: Do Not Sell.
My talk was fairly well received (as you can see) and was noted as refreshingly honest and practical.
This was one month prior to COVID.
Recently, many of the audience members have reached out as they realise now is the ideal opportunity for them to be building Authority Relationships with their audience.
I've decided to link the slides to my presentation here for anyone wanting a refresher or for those seeking to build trust with their audience -
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
#appliedcreativity #creativeproblemsolving #professionalspeaker #thoughtleader #author #mediaproduction #strategy
Christopher. S. Sellers is an expert on Creativity + Innovation
Founder + Director of Black Bulb Creative