In this workshop I'll break down the Six Creative Skill Sets and how you can develop your creative thinking + skills + process for optimal outcomes.

Tuesday, 14th December, 1pm - 3pm, via Google Hangout
1hr tutorial + 1hr facilitated discussion.
Practical examples + application of creative thinking applied to leading strategy.
I guarantee no jargon + immediate adoption.
$250 AUD + GST * this workshop is complimentary for Coaching Clients
Limited capacity, please book early to secure your spot...
For more information, email:
Reach out to me on LinkedIn.
Watch my web-series LOCKDOWN CREATIVITY here...
#appliedcreativity #creativeproblemsolving #innovation #designthinking #innovationconsultant #thoughtleader #author #speaker #IT #finance #startup #futurism #ceo #technology #strategy #strategicconsultancy
Christopher. S. Sellers is a Australia's Leading Expert on Creativity + Creative Skill Sets
Founder + Director of Black Bulb Creative